Category: Mobile Money

  • EcoCash now charging merchants per transaction with no warning

  • EcoCash & Steward Bank offering customers ZWL$1000 loans in KaShagi part 2

  • Here’s how much your bank charges you to do a “bank to EcoCash wallet”

  • EcoCash bank to wallet limits

  • Mobile Money in 2020: EcoCash vs RBZ, OneMoney on the rise? & Telecash

  • EcoCash will run itself out of business with its transaction fees

  • EcoCash fees to go up next month, here are the new tariffs

  • Beware of investment scams operating via EcoCash

  • Why can’t we convert airtime to money in an EcoCash wallet?

  • You can now redeem your own EcoCash Rewards points

  • Cassava responds as to why Steward Bank customers can’t send money to EcoCash directly (& vice versa)

  • No EcoCash option in the Steward Bank ZIPIT menu, Strange…

  • EcoCash announces regional & international remittance partnerships

  • EcoCash rewards extended to remittances

  • OneMoney to do service disrupting upgrade at the same time as EcoCash – ZimSwitch issues?

  • EcoCash system maintenance to disrupt bank to wallet services

  • EcoCash Rewards payouts finally underway…

  • ZIPIT Smart launches promotion, was this inspired by EcoCash Rewards?

  • OneMoney & Telecash would do well to learn from EcoCash Rewards

  • More details revealed regarding EcoCash rewards – Here’s what’s up for grabs

  • NetOne kicked out of Borrowdale office after failing to pay rentals

  • What you need to know to liquidate EcoCash Agent account

  • Banned EcoCash Agents lines will be subject to the 2% Tax

  • RBZ says it will continuously review the 35K a week mobile money limit

  • EcoCash still under regulatory scrutiny according to POTRAZ boss

  • New ZW$35k limit for mobile money is a decent improvement – Here’s how RBZ and service providers can make it consumer-friendly

  • EcoCash ZW$5,000 daily limit relaxed but new restriction added

  • Cassava bemoans regulatory pressures placed on EcoCash in investor update

  • Here’s how much it costs to send money from EcoCash to OneMoney & vice versa

  • ZimSwitch confirms completion of mobile money operator integration

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