Category: Mobile Money

  • Econet announces it has reached more than 1 million connected EcoCash users

  • POSB launches ZimSwitch Mobile powered mobile banking service

  • Press Release: Telecel and ZimSwitch team up to provide mobile banking

  • So how much does it cost to use EcoCash?

  • The EcoCash launch event

  • Mobile Moola, FBC’s ZimSwitch Ready mobile banking service launches

  • Econet announces the launch of EcoCash

  • Econet to launch Eco-Cash tomorrow. No Bank Account. Cross Network.

  • ZimSwitch to launch mobile banking platform this month

  • NetOne to use Zimpost branch network for OneWallet mobile money

  • Econet, here’s our Eco-Cash wish list

  • Using airtime as currency

  • CABS, POSB to use Telecel mobile banking platform through Zimswitch Mobile

  • NetOne’s OneWallet running on Gemalto’s mobile money transfer solution

  • NetOne’s free airtime promotion extended to lower denominations

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