Category: Economy

  • Zim recorded almost US$10bn forex receipts in 2021, the highest ever

  • [Download] The Monetary Policy Statement – 7 Feb 2022

  • RBZ’s fintech sandbox needs to be more than a footnote in tomorrow’s MPS

  • Some taxes payable in USD now payable in ZWL – Good idea that won’t work

  • 0.36% budget allocation for ICT makes you wonder, would ‘command ICT’ serve us well?

  • Economy grew in 2021 whilst livelihood of citizens deteriorated as UN report shows

  • So our Finance Minister ranks in top 5 in Africa while RBZ governor ranks in bottom 5, what’s up with that?

  • Govt doubling down on what many believe caused the Zimdollar to collapse last year

  • Somehow, RBZ still to be convinced more money in economy leads to inflation

  • Zimbabwe should brace for economic turbulence as USD set to strengthen – IMF

  • RBZ is coming after businesses involved in currency manipulation

  • Dr Mangudya graded by the Central Banker Report Cards

  • Discounts for USD: a game of haves vs have nots

  • Why won’t Zim MPs physically fight to abolish 2% tax like Ghana MPs did

  • RBZ blocked funds as of 31st December 2020

  • 5 New Year’s resolutions for the Zim govt

  • Pick n Pay’s 50% discount for USD: killing the black market without an SI

  • Zimbos were creating money on EcoCash, OneMoney and telecash using blockchain tech – RBZ governor. And more revelations

  • Short-term focus by Zimbabweans reason for depreciating Zimdollar – RBZ governor

  • Monetary Policy Committee: Last forex auction of the year on 14/12/2021

  • Zim banks villains again, too eager with bank charges on civil servants’ bonuses. Fair?

  • In 8 years time, Zimbabwean annual income per citizen should be over US$5000. Are we making progress?

  • It is real, the document where Mthuli Ncube proposes US$50 duty on every new phone and increases withholding tax

  • [Download] The 2022 National Budget Speech

  • Zim govt both restrained and carefree in its spending. Civil servants get short end of the stick.

  • Govt gives RBZ money to clear Forex Auction backlog

  • MPC Statement: RBZ to introduce mobile bureaux de change for rural areas

  • RBZ shuts down Market Watch & other black market exchange rate sites

  • RBZ to clamp down on ZW$ card swipe for USD money changers

  • CZI calls for RBZ to state how much forex is available before the auction

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