Category: Economy

  • First Mutual Got Approval To Acquire NicozDiamond: Led To High Trade In Nicoz Shares

  • ZIMRA Records 30% More Revenue Than Projected In November

  • Afreximbank To Loan $1.5b To Zimbabwe And Provide Guarantees To Foreign Investors

  • ZSE Drops By 10% In Pres. Mnangagwa’s Second Week, Foreigners Still Net Buyers

  • Finally Chinamasa Speaks Truth On Causes of Cash Crisis And the Parallel Exchange Rate

  • Tendai Biti is Wrong; Chinamasa’s Budget Is Much More Than Lipstick

  • Various Bills To Improve Ease And Cost Of Doing Business In Zim To Be Fast Tracked

  • BREAKING: Indegenisation Act Amended, Removing Requirement For Foreigners To Give Up 51% Ownership

  • Government Prohibits Importation Of Fuel By The Public, That’s Quite Peculiar

  • IMF To Send Mission; US, Britain And China Ready To Work With Zimbabwe

  • Zim Stock Exchange (ZSE) On The Rebound As Foreigners Buy More Shares

  • Externalisation: How Big Companies Contributed To The Cash Crisis

  • Should Zimbabwe Accept A Loan From Britain To Pay Back Its Creditors?

  • Could It Be We Missed That Bond Notes Actually Served Their Purpose?

  • Does A New President Equal An Improved Economy?

  • Bond Note:USD Exchange Rate Falls, ZSE Drops $6b In 8 Days As Markets Self Correct

  • Imports From South Africa Close To $2b In 10 Months, Trade Deficit Decreases Though

  • Govt Pays ZESA $155m, Still Owes $445m

  • Increased Activity On The ZSE The Day After Mugabe’s Resignation, Turnover Up 384,63%

  • ZSE Dropped $5b in 5 days But Foreigners Were Net Buyers On The Day Mugabe Resigned

  • Industry Is Calling For Slashing Of ZESA Tariffs, Is That A Reasonable Request?

  • Govt Relaxed Import Restrictions On Basic Goods And That Is Worrying

  • ZSE Drops $2.7b In Two Days As Investors Panic-Sell Shares Amid Political Uncertainty

  • Zimbabwe epayments rise to $2 billion worth of transaction in a week.

  • Bitcoin has been trading at a 100% premium in Zimbabwe, will it continue to do so if things change after the military takeover?

  • How A New Zimbabwe Can Deal With The Cash Crisis

  • RBZ to more than double the number of BOND NOTES in circulation this month

  • Mangudya lied, he’s the one to blame for cooking oil shortage says the manufacturers

  • “The economy is all about trust and confidence.” Is that not too much to ask Hon Chinamasa?

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