Category: Vehicles & Transportation

  • NASA flies helicopter on Mars, a first for mankind

  • Kwekwe-based carmaker secures US$1 mil deal with US firm

  • ZIMRA has started enforcing the second-hand car ban

  • Zimbo designs working quadbike from scrap metal

  • Why the reasons for banning second-hand cars make no sense

  • Importing second-hand vehicles over 10 years now requires a license

  • VID to soon allow people to use automatic cars for road tests

  • ZINARA is now resorting to coupons to ease toll gate congestion

  • Local startup partners with FBC Insurance giving motorist instant access to lawyers

  • Moovah launches pay as you drive vehicle insurance

  • Hi-insure allows you to order vehicle licences via WhatsApp & delivers to your doorstep

  • The revival of Zim’s local motor industry should include EVs

  • SA is ready to manufacture & sell hydrogen fuel technology

  • Econet subsidiary installs electric vehicle charging stations across Zimbabwe

  • Travelling by road? Here are the best payment options to get past tollgates

  • Electric vehicles & how their adoption in Zimbabwe could be accelerated