Category: Telecommunications

  • Econet dogged by US$300 million tax evasion & externalisation allegations, dismisses case as false

  • NetOne & TelOne directed to implement their network expansion projects jointly

  • Zimbabwe’s mobile operators saddled with huge tax burden – Government takes 27.5 cents off every $1, another 5 cents to be added

  • Econet & RBZ create facility to help local shareholders participate in the operator’s US$130 million rights issue

  • TelOne begins US$98 million network project, promises better services, new products like social media bundles

  • NetOne capped OneFusion, WhatsApp & Facebook data because some subscribers were abusing it

  • NetOne says it paid US$4 million towards its licence, negotiated terms for the remainder

  • POTRAZ is hosting African telecoms stakeholders’ regional forum on tariffs standards

  • Zimbabwe & other SADC countries set to adhere to standard mobile data tariffs by 2019

  • Temporary relief for Zimbabwe’s mobile operators as 5% health levy on airtime is put on hold

  • Exclusive – NetOne’s promo reversal only for WhatsApp & Facebook bundles data caps, everything else stays the same – POTRAZ

  • Breaking – POTRAZ forces NetOne to reverse its data promotions

  • NetOne quietly introduces data caps on its unlimited WhatsApp and Facebook bundles

  • Here are the 5 reasons why internet is so expensive in Zimbabwe

  • Telecel was the first to raise its mobile data tariffs but unlike Econet it did so reasonably

  • Mandiwanzira responds to Econet, advises operator to stick to business & take responsibility for milking subscribers

  • Econet reveals how Zimbabwean government considers affordable internet access a political threat

  • Here is Econet’s full statement defending its position on the reversal of data tariff increases

  • Econet apologises to its subscribers, offers to reimburse data for those overcharged

  • Econet says it reversed the tariffs on its own, calls Supa Mandiwanzira a liar

  • Econet announces that it’s reversing tariffs, complains about unfair playing field

  • POTRAZ releases statement on suspension of tariff increases, calls out Econet for double standards

  • Econet issues a statement on higher data prices – “We feel your pain”

  • Telecel subscribers enjoy cheaper internet access as operator maintains old tariffs

  • NetOne maintains old data tariffs, appeals to regulator to revise its position

  • New tariffs – POTRAZ says it consulted the mobile operators, they actually wanted even higher prices

  • Experiencing poor service or disappearing airtime & data?- Here’s how to submit these complaints to POTRAZ

  • Mobile operators yet to activate new prices for voice & data, awaiting instruction from POTRAZ

  • POTRAZ boss justifies price increase on data bundles – It’s about protecting operators’ viability

  • These data bundles from Econet, NetOne & Telecel are set to be scrapped or to go up in price soon

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