Category: Miscellaneous

  • Zim university student develops business apps & working on virus removal software

  • Econet to launch Econet Energy

  • Politics and technology: the goings on at Telecel

  • The Winners of Zimbabwe’s ICT 2010 Achievers Awards

  • The Zimbabwe 2011 National ICT Budget Statement

  • Our Quiet Week

  • Thoughts On Loving And Leaving Your Employer

  • The Remains Of The Homemade Helicopter

  • Nhamo Mukonyora’s Untimely Passing Away

  • Be a Sys Admin of Note

  • How to Write a Business Plan for Your Zimbabwe Business

  • Weekly Roundup – 27 March 2010

  • IT BEGINS WITH YOU: Positioning ICT Departments As A Valuable Strategic Asset.

  • Year 2009 In Review

  • Why Sanii Makhalima’s Got It All Wrong

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