Category: Fintech

  • IPEC says Lobola Assurance is not registered with them

  • PayPal users in the UK can now buy, hold and sell Bitcoin too

  • Steward Bank introduces another promo as the prepaid Visa/MasterCard wars heat up

  • EcoCash tariffs going up in a few weeks, up to 25% increase

  • Wa-Faya is awesome but it doesn’t yet support Dial a Delivery

  • ZB introduces its own prepaid Visa promotion as banks scramble for customers

  • Government launches ZMX a commodities exchange

  • MasterCard is dumping the magnetic strip

  • South African bank copies Zimbabwean banks’ lite account model

  • ZIMBOCASH users can now transact on its exchange

  • InstaCash, a local app that allows you to lend & borrow through your contacts

  • 58 fintech firms have registered for the RBZ’s Regulatory Sandbox

  • Flutterwave & PayPal waive international fees for African merchants

  • Cassava Smartech to become EcoCash Holdings Ltd to avoid confusion

  • Zimswitch’s bulk payments solution ZEEPAY has resurfaced

  • Google now rejecting prepaid cards for some of its services

  • How payment solutions are revolutionising WhatsApp and enhancing customer experience

  • Ecobank account-holders worry as the bank says it will be backdating collection of 2% tax

  • Shumba Money removes fees & adds US$10 bonus for funds sent to Zimbabwe

  • Paynow now allows you to accept more than $5,000 ZWL using EcoCash & Onemoney

  • FBC has set its sights on disruption with the launch of a Fintech division

  • Bureau De Change Conti-Cash now allowing people to pay DStv at “bank rate”

  • Without proper local payments API, Zim’s eCommerce & Fintech companies resort to workarounds

  • A digital currency is coming into Zim to help out farmers

  • RBZ Fintech Sandbox applications are still open

  • Reminder: You can open FBC savings or current account using their app

  • Powertel launches payment service known as Dial-a-Payment

  • Mukuru & Western Union collections now reserved for Ecobank account holders only at Ecobank branches

  • Telkom SA adds a virtual card to their WhatsApp based payment service

  • EcoCash reaffirms its position as a licenced Bureau de Change

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