Category: Entrepreneurship

  • Tengesai, a free classified directory to sell goods and services online

  • 2021 was a year of firsts for Zimbabwean startups

  • Startups with climate adaptation solutions, check out this accelerator

  • Entrepreneurs! Applications for the Africa Blockchain Incubation Program are open!

  • Local startup teaches kids programming and entrepreneurship

  • Magamba launches The Hustle Fund to support media startups and creatives

  • This startup opened Virtual Reality arcades in Zimbabwe

  • Two Zimbos selected for Meta’s (Facebook) #Changemakers campaign

  • Gateway Stream launches a fantastic way for influencers to make money on the platform

  • TelOne is inviting bidders for tenders stretching from engine oil to fibre cables

  • Entrepreneurs check out this €500K Africa wide accelerator

  • US Embassy TechWomen 2022 applications are now open!

  • Zim Startups! CIMAS & Impact Hub have a US$1,000 Healthathon

  • ZIMRA is coming for businesses lying about forex earnings

  • Local diaspora retail startup Imets cofounder gives more info on US$20/hr for drivers & more

  • Applications for Google’s Startups Accelerator Africa are open

  • 4 takeaways from Zim’s first-ever drone conference

  • Local startup wins US$25K Holman Prize for the Blind and Visually Impaired

  • Global Entrepreneurship Network launches Harare chapter

  • 2022 Tax Clearance Certificates will be automatically issued to compliant clients

  • Applications for US$10,000 content creators startup week are now open

  • Applications for the UNDP Chipinge Young Innovator’s Program are now open

  • Applications for the Macheke Rural Hackathon are now open

  • Coca-Cola VP calls for the catalysation of women entrepreneurship for AfCFTA success at COMESA Conference

  • Crowd-based solar startup Sun Exchange secures US$2.5 million

  • Entrepreneurs! Startup Weekend Harare is back!

  • Entrepreneurs, your 2023 campaign starts now

  • Local freelance startup AfriBlocks gets US$100K funding from Google

  • Zim’s drone expert talks about manufacturing plans & problems with local operating environment

  • Mature local startups have struggled in the “pandemic eCommerce boom”

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