Category: Broadband

  • Exclusive Interview with ZOL CEO, David Behr Over Telco Disconnections

  • ZOL Moving Disconnected Customers To Africom

  • Ecoweb To Launch Mobile WiMax In April

  • Telecontract ‘Illegally’ Disconnects 200 Zimbabwe Online’s Broadband Customers

  • Of Econet’s Liquid Telecom Fibre And Harare’s ‘Digital Revolution’

  • A Google Map of ZOL Wi-Fi Hotspots in Harare

  • Econet Asks: Should We Have Waited Until We Could Give Everyone 3G Or We Did The Right Thing To Launch And Sort Out Issues Later?

  • Skype Comes To Nokia Smartphones

  • Broken Promises: Broadlands Networks And Blades of Uncovered Grass

  • The Zimbabwe ICT Strategic Plan (2010–2014) – The Document

  • Zimbabwe ICT Strategic Plan (2010-2014) Launch

  • ZOL Says “Stop Waiting For Promised 3G Connections – Connect Today To Wireless Broadband.”

  • Full Presentation of Zimbabwe ICT Minister, Nelson Chamisa On Just Ended AU Summit – mp3 Download

  • Zimbabwe Online Starts Offering VSAT Internet Services

  • Subscribers Using Econet Data Services To Make Free Calls And SMSes

  • Africom To Launch CDMA2000 Mobile Network

  • Econet to Commission Fibre-Optic System By March

  • Chamisa For Re-issuing TeleAccess With A Fixed Line License

  • 2009 Global ICT Facts

  • Ambitious New Telecoms Operator, Broadlands Networks

  • Seacom Blames African Governments And ISPs For Costly Internet

  • Zimbabwe’s Fibre-Optic Internet Backbone Projects

  • Ecoweb To Launch VSAT And Mobile Wimax

  • TEAMS Undersea Cable Ready For Commercial Use

  • SEACOM Competition: What Could Africa Do With More Bandwidth

  • Zimbabwe 6th in Global Narrowband Connecitivity Assessment

  • Ecoweb To Start Offering VSAT Services

  • Telecel Launching 3G Shortly

  • Some Facts About Econet’s 3G

  • 3G Launch By Econet Very Unclear