Category: Broadband

  • Telecel to offer Blackberry services

  • Short guide to Zimbabwe’s mobile and Internet connectivity

  • VoIP: The future of voice communication in Zimbabwe

  • Telecel makes move into mobile banking

  • Econet to launch email system for broadband subscribers

  • Econet engages SA consultants to review broadband prices downwards

  • Telco working on a mobile broadband offering for early 2011

  • Econet to switch on fibre as early as next week

  • Econet connects to SEACOM undersea fibre cable

  • Econet to lay fibre all the way to Jo’burg

  • Africom To Pull Plug on Free Internet, Readies ‘Integration’

  • Some Pictures From The Econet Experience Expo

  • When PowerTel’s Backbone Breaks, Zimbabwe’s Internet Grounds To A Halt

  • The Month Of Free Mobile Broadband In Zimbabwe

  • Some Details On Telco’s Recently Launched VoIP Services

  • Open Letter To Econet And Its Founders

  • Africom Suspends Adding More Customers Until System Is ‘Integrated’

  • Africom Still ‘Giving Away’ Free Mobile Internet

  • Econet Says Mobile Broadband Selling Like Hot Cakes

  • Econet Reduces Mobile Broadband Tariffs, More Reductions to Come

  • Telecel Pushes Mobile Internet Launch To Next Year

  • No Real Broadband Yet In Zimbabwe

  • Beyond A Gig, Africom’s Mobile Broadband Costs $100 Per Gig

  • The Econet Mobile Broadband Letdown

  • Africom Launches Paid Mobile Broadband Services

  • Econet Launches Mobile Broadband Services

  • Africom Mobile Broadband Services Prices

  • Possible Econet Data Bundle Prices Revealed

  • Africom Delays Launch Of Paid Mobile Internet Services

  • Econet to Launch Econet Broadband In Less Than A Week

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