Category: Broadband

  • Zimbabwe remains in bottom ten of ICT Network Readiness Index

  • How cheap can a voice call get? Valley Technologies might set new standard

  • The rise of 3G – (ITU 2010 World ICT facts and figures)

  • Mobile data services: Challenges and opportunities

  • Africom and Valley Technologies to launch mobile phone networks

  • Techzim Exclusive Interview with ForgetMeNot Africa COO, Jeremy George

  • TelOne’s fibre connection on EASSy now live, total 2.48 Gbps lit

  • Seacom: Our cable has had some challenges since inception

  • Upped to 4.72 Tbps, EASSY now constitutes 70% of Africa’s east coast undersea cables

  • Econet launches eTXT, erases line between SMS and the Internet

  • Mobile Value Added Services on a steady increase locally

  • Econet’s intention to launch BlackBerry courts the state’s interest

  • New Econet service powered by eTXT. SMS to Email, Chat and Facebook

  • A history of Africa’s undersea cables (presentation)

  • Econet reduces mobile data bundle prices, increases bundle sizes

  • Zimbabwe’s telecommunication statistics summary (2010)

  • Review: PowerTel Mobile Broadband

  • Econet hosts Econet Mail outside Zimbabwe, and they explain why

  • Botswana telecoms regulator issues price reductions directive

  • Telecel quietly opens up test mobile broadband to the public for free

  • Spiritage owned Valley Technologies to launch voice and data network in Zimbabwe

  • Zim’s Internet slows down as PowerTel & Econet fibre cables experience outage

  • Aquiva Wireless now offering WiMax, Fibre and VSAT connectivity, to launch VoIP

  • How to not quickly use up your mobile broadband bundles

  • Masawara Telerix aquisition. Which ISP is Telerix?

  • PowerTel launches mobile broadband in Bulawayo. Gweru & Kwekwe to follow

  • Telecel mobile internet access ‘satisfactory’

  • Powertel Outage slows down internet in Zimbabwe, Techzim affected

  • ICT developments to watch out for in 2011

  • ZOL and Yo Africa announce strategic alliance