Category: Broadband

  • TelOne forgets to register ‘’

  • Brian Herlihy: SEACOM to provide IP services to Business Service Providers in Zim, Malawi

  • Dandemutande finally emerges

  • Telecel reimburses subscribers for mobile broadband charged without POTRAZ approval

  • How to: Ubuntu and mobile broadband connectivity

  • In depth focus: Zimbabwe needs to embrace cloud computing

  • Dotmore: Telone’s branded broadband services unmasked

  • Ubuntu and choosing your Zim ISP

  • Pictures: Africom’s new services, CDMA mobile phones and other gadgets

  • Econet, POTRAZ, and the regulation of BlackBerry services in Zimbabwe

  • The infamous pirate Jack Sparrow plagues local ISPs

  • NetOne set to roll out mobile broadband services

  • Cruz Reader tablet giveaway: Spot what’s missing

  • Broadlands narrowing in on 5G?

  • Some 1.8 million Econet subscribers use mobile broadband

  • Africom readies launch of new services, likely voice & more broadband

  • How mobile broadband changed everything

  • Gigatel launches new VSAT hub in Zimbabwe

  • Ever been to Dongle-wanaland?

  • ICT incumbents, the times they are a-changin’

  • The Econet backbone optic fibre map

  • Set up your own home Wi-Fi with these simple steps

  • Econet’s promotional broadband prices not that promotional

  • Press release: Telecel gives all customers pilot project data access

  • Telecel started the paid broadband test without POTRAZ approval?

  • Telecel response on broadband pricing: it’s all just a test

  • Telecel ends free broadband test, to start charging 10 cents a megabyte

  • Valley Technologies, a possible game changer for Zimbabwe’s telecoms industry

  • Econet posts mega profits, grows subscribers base to 5.5 million

  • 5.12 Terabits WACS undersea cable lands in Cape Town